Its that time of year - time for the Annual Nattie Concepts Family Portrait! This years inspiration in the spirit of peace and harmony, was a simple one - The King himself!
Nattie Concepts 2013 Annual Family Portrai |
inspiration |
I have a lot to be thankful for this year. What with all my nattie concepts, it is a delicate balancing act, managing all projects and trying to give each of them proper attention. Somehow, completely clueless as to how, I did manage to manage and produce a fair amount of work.
The lumen prints hung on in photo exhibits and in my 2013 self-published catalogue "
Crescent City Illumenations"
Published February 2013 |
Quebec, Louisiana June 2013 |
Betty the Bullhorn continued her shout outs for love and peace on
Facebook and in her
Etsy store.
Betty the Bullhorn & the Power of Love |
Imagine There's No Country from "Things I See" exhibit at Buffas |
Fly Me to the Stars from exhibit at Hey Cafe |
Within all of that, I played a lot of music and released my first ever CD, "
An Accidental EP"
The older I get the more my artistic motivation is just to share share share. If you've come to my shows, seen or heard my work or read this blog, I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart. I create work that means something to me, and mostly what that means is I create work that cracks me up. hahaha.
If I can be of benefit to someone by singing about white bread or printing termites in the sun, all the better. So thanks for reading/viewing/listening, thank you, thank you very much.
And Merry Christmas!!!
- Natasha, Rhoda, Betty the Bullhorn, Miss Delta Blue, & Miss Purple Lele
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